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Hand washing program

In order to make children stay safe at school, we engage them in practical training, hand hygiene awareness education twice a week, and accompanying visual aids and educational manuals to children at risk of illness through the transfer of germs at school. Hand washing correctly with soap and water can protect one in three young children who get sick with diarrhea and one in five young children with respiratory infections like pneumonia. This emphasizes how important it is for children to learn how to wash their hands as early as possible.

Children are exposed to germs and bacteria that they wouldn't usually come across at home. Since children are curious and love exploring things by touch, this can cause their hands to become a breeding ground for germs and bacteria and they transmit it to others by contact. Without proper hand washing, they can become seriously ill or die from communicable diseases. Also, children absent from school or weak from illness are incapable of learning and in danger of developmental delays.

Hand washing or hand hygiene is the act of cleaning hands to remove soil, dirt, and microorganisms. Hand hygiene is the single most effective action to reduce school acquired infections. It is important to note that water alone does not clean hands effectively, and over 75% of people either do not wash their hands at all or do not use soap to clean their hands properly. We train children and teachers on the 2 ways to get clean hands that can keep away infections and disease.

In line with our goals, we will improve water and sanitation as well as hygiene practices as a strategy to advance community health by educating children in school and their teachers. We will reduce illness and days of school missed and increase each child's ability to be successful in their education and impact the entire community when children take home hand-washing skills. This will target communities with cholera outbreaks in the past to prevent future occurrence.

Health care.
We Network with a community health center were children receive treatment from.


Malaria is the Most dangerous disease that affect children in communities through Mosquito bit. However, our   prevention campaign measures are through house sprays, destroying of breading zones, keeping the compound clean and proper use of mosquito nets.


Management and prevention of diarrhea/Cholera by putting in place hand washing facilities, plate stands and keeping flies away.

The center offers immunization services to Mothers and children, health promotion by educating children about keeping them self healthy in an environment they leave in either at home or school for example Hand washing, safe drinking water, having protective gears extra.


HIV/AIDS Testing and medication

/awareness to the community, children, teachers and parents. Antenatal services by examining of pregnant Mothers, maternal services by conducting deliveries and caring for the new born babies, Counseling and family planning services are also offered at the center.

Most of our children at school are born from this health center.

Doctors, Nurses and the rest of Volunteers can join and render there Volunteer services both at Kids Project and at the health center.


This program calls for external support  that will make life better for the children, their families and their communities, Volunteers and Donors who may be interested to sponsor a child and families or else support the Project through Networking, Fundraising and also Improving on the income generating projects, Cyber Cafe and Printing Machines that have been a cornerstone (Mother/bread winner) to the school. Send us an email identifying your need and we will get back immediately for more information.

“It's my passion to touch the lives of children in a way conventional teaching methods are unable to do through teaching our young kids important values in life, such as kindness, caring, empathy, social responsibility, giving back to communities and citizenship.” Jeremiah”

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-25 at 8.00.09 PM.
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